If you want to improve your ELA instruction, so your students meet standards, you're in the right place.

I know what it’s like to… teach in a way that helps students meet standards

But it wasn't always this way...

I was just like you. In my large Title 1 district, I was required to implement a basal reading program with strict fidelity. The problem was, it wasn’t working. My students were not meeting standards, they were not engaged, and I was doing all the work. Sound familiar?

Fortunately, I, along with some colleagues, began to structure and frame our teaching differently (with admin approval). We strictly adhered to the standards, and used our curriculum for some content and as a guide, but we incorporated research-based strategies into a framework we began to use to teach literacy. We aligned our teaching and assessing with the standards and the way research has shown students to learn best.  What were the results of this massive undertaking? Student achievement in the form of jumping 1-2 band levels as measured by the state (SBAC) tests and students being engaged in and LOVING reading. And these results stayed consistent in the years that followed.

Over the years, I continued to tweak and perfect these strategies and resources. Now I want to teach you how to do the same!

It's not your fault

Teachers are always taught to follow the Teacher’s Manual as if a one-size-fits-all guide will help their specific students with their individual nuances and abilities. I’m here to tell you, there’s a better way! You can improve your reading instruction and help ALL students meet standards.


I can help you improve your instruction so you can be confident you are providing the best reading and literacy strategies possible!

And the result?

Happy students and administrators.

If you're anything like me, you want...

  • Simple, yet effective lessons
  • Resources that are engaging
  • A plan that works
  • Students meeting standards
  • Templates and frameworks
  • A life outside of teaching!

That’s why I created The Ultimate Tool for Planning Effective ELA Lessons in Less Time  …To help you get the results you want!